
Showing posts from May, 2021

3 Benefits of Professional Photography for your Cannabis Business

As a cannabis business owner, you may often take on multiple roles simply because you can. Why pay someone else to do the job when you can do it yourself? Is this true for video and photography? When it comes to taking photos for your website, social media feeds, and media kits, are you putting your best foot forward with your shaky hand and blurry pictures from your mobile phone? Crisp, high-definition media speaks to your company’s professionalism and offers benefits beyond just a better image. A beautiful image captures the attention of your customers, much more than your old iPhone ever could. So do yourself (and your growing cannabis business) a favour — order a professional photographer for all your video and photography needs. Benefit #1: The Impact on Social Media We all have friends whose Instagram contains strange angles, blurry photos, and questionable subjects. Bad photos, especially for businesses, can generate bad opinions about products and services. Hiring a profession